• Fleur Bogema

    Hi, my name is Fleur and I'm the current Chairman of the Master Network FSS. After the Bachelor Human Geography and Planning, I'm now doing the Master program Society, Sustainability and Planning. Before joining this committee, I have already been a part of several other committees and even the 61st Board of Faculty Association Ibn Battuta. I'm interested in the social impact of planning projects and hope to inspire my fellow students in this field as well. Furthermore, I'm looking forward to connect the students of our Faculty to the exciting career opportunities that lie ahead!

  • Yvar Nederhoed

    Hi Everyone! My name is Yvar and I am the Commissioner of External Relations of the Master Network FSS. As commissioner of external relation, I am a contact persons for external companies and institutions. Therefore, if you are reading this description, there is a strong possibility that we might be in contact soon or already. Currently, I am working on obtaining my Master’s in Society, Sustainability, and Planning. Regarding the Master Network, I am looking forward to a year filled with interesting events that will help you figure out your career opportunities in the future. Hope to see you there!

  • Marijn Siebum

    My name is Marijn and I am the Commissioner of promotions in the Master Network FSS. I am responsible for the promotions to engage with the students from our faculty. Currently I am following the master Environmental and Infrastructure planning. I am looking forward to promote our coming activities and hyping up the students to join us. I hope to see as many people as possible at our amazing activities!

  • Anna Martí Estapé

    Hey! I’m Anna and I am studying for my master’s in Society, Sustainability, and Planning. I have been in the Netherlands since last year, when I began my premaster, but I am originally from Barcelona. This year I have joined Master Network FSS as secretary to be more involved with the faculty and to get to know new people who share my interest in urbanism and planning. I can’t wait to work with my colleagues to create fun activities that help FSS’s master students. I hope to see you all soon at one of our events!

  • Isaak Vertegaal

    Hey I am Isaak, new to Master Network since this year. I am currently studying the master in society, sustainability and planning at the rug. I will fulfil the role as external relations this year and am looking forward to organize amazing events!

  • Dieke de Lange

    Hi, my name is Dieke and I have the honour of being one of the external commissioners of Master Network. Last year I finished my bachelor Spatial Planning and Design, and since September I have started the master Society, Sustainability and Planning. I am motivated to work together as Master Network with other students and companies to bring the Master programs of the FSS and the working field closer together. Looking forward to the upcoming activities!

  • Sanne Nouria Arnold

    Hi! I am Sanne and I'm currently following the Master Sustainability and Plannig. Before, I studied the Bachelor Human Geography and Planning. Currently I am the Chairman of Ibn Battuta, and therefore the Board Member in the Master Network FSS. I'm very excited to work together with this committee and organize activities for you! I hope that we as Master Network FSS can together contribute to the positive futures of many students.