In-House Tour 2022
The In-House Tour of April 2022 went to Utrecht and Amsterdam. On Tuesday the 19th of April, we were invited to Sweco and Bureau Stedelijke Planning. In their impressive building in Utrecht we were welcomed with coffee and a general introduction to Sweco and BSP. For the rest of the day, we worked on two interesting cases concerning project management and creativity. After the hard work, we joined the people of Sweco and BSP in a network drink in their gardens. Also the group picture you see below was taken here.
That evening we slept in the Stay Okay of Utrecht, but not before we had the Alumni Drink. It was both gezellig and interesting to connect to the alumni of the FSS.
The next morning, Wednesday the 20th of April, we started off with a nice breakfast in the hostel and went on our way to Amsterdam. Here we had a meeting with Beerenschot, who told us about their company and also prepared a challenging case for us.
To end this interesting edition of the In-House Tour, we walked around the Zuid As in Amsterdam and learned about the enormous infrastructural plans that are in the near future for this place.